Modern Maker Stamps

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How to Stamp on Bubble Mailers

Need to end your battle between squishy bubble mailers and your custom logo stamp?

Here’s how I brand my bubble-mailed packages:

  • cleanly + professionally

  • without getting over-inky

  • without wasting mailers


How To Make:

  1. Grab your first bubble mailer & custom stamp.

  2. Stamp your stickers: Align the stamp toward the bottom of the sticker label, printing towards the bottom so that there is a good margin of white space above it.

  3. Stick em on: Just drape the white space of the sticker onto the back of your packaging and BOOM. Super professional packaging.

That's it! Just add your awesome product + send your happy mail on its way.

Side notes: This is a gazillion times easier than trying to print directly on a mailer. Stamps like it FLAT and HARD. (— umm… that’s what she said?) , so a single sticker is much easier to get a great print from. You also only waste one sticker if your print isn’t quite as nice.. a heck of a lot less painful (and more earth-friendly) than ruining a mailer.

Extra Tip:

Try making a bunch of stickers at a time so you've got them ready to go. I've found it’s not *nearly* as fun to package when I have to stop and stamp a sticker every time I pack up a mailer!

This is also a great way to cover up a ruined mailer if you’ve already messed some up. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there!

Don’t have a logo yet? I’ve got you covered. I can even set you up with a digital copy to use for your social media, blog, website, etc!

Happy stamping, friends!!!

*Full Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to products I’ve researched & believe will work best for this project. Where possible, it also includes non-affiliate links to small businesses I love.